Gallery Hirota Art Gallery is pleased to present "Makoto Terauchi - Invisible Rays" from March 15 (Wed) to March 25 (Sat).

This is the first solo exhibition in two years by Makoto Terauchi, whose main theme in recent years has been "to draw the invisible world by using the scenery in front of his eyes as a clue, and to somehow depict the existence of what might be called the invisible contours floating in the world.
We hope you will take the opportunity to view this exhibition.

This exhibition is subtitled "Invisible Rays," which refers to the idea of expressing images of things that exist but are not visible to humans through paintings.
Terauchi has been painting new images of everyday scenes and scenes he has seen in the past, which are created by combining them with casual scenes that have passed through time.
He is trying to establish the image by paying attention to the materiality of the oil paints he has been working with and incorporating the texture and matiere of the brushstrokes created by accident.

He says, "I have paid attention to the materiality of oil paint, which I have been working with, and have incorporated many accidental brushstrokes and strokes that have created the look and texture of the paint. By doing so, he attempts to establish elusive images that are usually invisible to the human eye, such as invisible rays. By continuing to paint while being aware of the existence of things that are invisible to the eye but certainly exist and constantly influence our world, I hope that something within me will be evoked at a moment's notice, and that an area of another dimension will appear in the pictorial space." Makoto Terauchi