It was over 20 years ago that I began creating pencil-on-paper art.
I drew lots and lots of lines on paper with a pencil, then went in with an eraser and rubbed out many parts, creating this matière.
Scratch the surface many times, make a scab, scratch the scab to create a line, repeat endlessly.
Draw and erase, draw and erase, scratch the scab over and over again, scratch new scabs--then you finally have one picture.
It was over 20 years ago that I began creating pencil-on-paper art.
I drew lots and lots of lines on paper with a pencil, then went in with an eraser and rubbed out many parts, creating this matière.
Scratch the surface many times, make a scab, scratch the scab to create a line, repeat endlessly.
Draw and erase, draw and erase, scratch the scab over and over again, scratch new scabs--then you finally have one picture.