Dazed Beast Macro

Shogo Takarada

18.0×14.0㎝ / cotton cloth, pigment, mineral pigments, acrylic/ 2023


When I use a cat at home as a motif, I want to depict the feeling of security and euphoria of having a beloved being (not only a cat) in one's home. I chose this method of production because I thought that what I should draw should be expressed in a more gentle and soft way.
The smooth skin that I usually work with can create strong impressions because of its textural characteristics.
However, there are some limitations. When applying paint, it tends to be uneven, and especially when applying rock paint with a brush, the paint does not go on as well as expected. While this has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages.
In this context, I had a dilemma when painting a cat as a motif. The cat's existence is so smooth that I could not shake the feeling that my usual production method was too rigid.
To express the cat's natural movements and expressions, lighter, more gentle lines were necessary, and I tried to create this work in a form similar to sketches or drawings.